[도쿄] Sake Tasting and Japanese Calligraphy Experience
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24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Sake Tasting & Calligraphy are both activities, considered rare for Japanese people to experience. With this activity, you can experience both from two local masters of Sake & Calligraphy. Sake - you can experience a wide variety of sakes so you can learn about the difference!! Calligraphy You will practice using the Japanese Brush for calligraphy to write. Your name (or nickname) in Japanese. One Japanese word (or your favorite word) We want you to experience how the letters written in a Japanese traditional way and deepen your understating of Japanese Calligraphy and our culture. You can show off to your friend when you and your friends come to the restaurant! We hope you enjoy our culture at the same time!!

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