[오사카] Private Handmade Ring Workshop Class
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Experience making exquisite handmade rings by hammering the texture using the Japanese traditional style called "Tankin". You can choose your favorite material, thickness, shape and texture. Then, using special hammers and tools you can customize your own ring. It takes around 90 minutes for the whole process. Our staff will carefully explain the process and if you prefer, we can take commemorative photos with your mobile during the workshop. For couples, you can exchange your rings and hammer in the texture as well as your love for each other which will make the rings a symbol of enduring love.
  • These one-of-a-kind rings can be taken home on the day!
  • Highly recommended as a high quality gift and memorial souvenir of your trip to Japan. Embrace your creativity and enjoy our unique experience

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