【오사카 교토】JR 간사이 와이드 패스 (5일권) 로 가는 [교토] Kyoto Local Rice Bowl Cooking Class with Vegan/Vegetarian Option


【오사카 교토】JR 간사이 와이드 패스 (5일권)

고베 / 교토 / 나라 / 다카마쓰 / 돗토리 / 오사카 / 오카야마 / 와카야마
인기 관광지・이벤트
[교토] Kyoto Local Rice Bowl Cooking Class with Vegan/Vegetarian Option
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • It's almost 2 hours cooking class at Japanese local house near Shimogamo shrine.
  • At the first 20min, we will explain the background of KINUGASA DON and all other dishes, and how to cook those.
  • After cooking, let's enjoy eating and chatting together with the local
  • We are very happy to share our real local culture with you.
  • Vegetarian and Vegan options are available, so please let us know when you make the reservation.

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