- アクティビティ概要
Escape to a serene coastal sanctuary on this 4-day retreat, designed for wellness seekers yearning to unwind, rejuvenate, and immerse themselves in the tranquility of Japan. Discover the ancient practice of Zen at a traditional temple, surrounded by the calming beauty of the sea.
As the arrival of spring awakens life in the natural world, we humans also feel a renewed breath in our minds and bodies, a time to regain vitality. Under the guidance of experienced Zen monks, immerse yourself in the teachings and practices of Zen over three days. Harness the power of seasonal ingredients, sunlight, and the vibrant energy of blossoming flowers to harmonize your mind and body as they transition from winter to spring.
Furthermore, we offer special experiences where you can fully enjoy the beauty of spring in Japan, such as the nighttime cherry blossom illumination at Fukuyama Castle, cycling on the Shimanami Kaido, flower-viewing in the Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter, and art appreciation on Naoshima
- みどころ
4-Day Setouchi Zen Wellness Retreat: Spring Renewal
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図