- アクティビティ概要
Head from Shinjuku to Mt. Takao for a day package with a travel pass, round-trip for a chairlift or cable car, and a meal at Ukai Toriyama restaurant.
- Easily reach Mt. Takao in about an hour from Shinjuku Station on the Keio Line
- Experience the flavor of charcoal-grilled chicken dishes at Ukai Toriyama, a hidden gem in Mount Takao. Dine in a tranquil space away from the hustle and bustle, surrounded by a Japanese garden and traditional gassho-ya buildings
- Revel in the title of "The mountain with the largest number of climbers in the world" at Mount Takao. On clear days, admire Mount Fuji and other Japanese attractions from the ropeway
- Exchange your Keio Takao Onsen towel with a free coupon and enjoy a 5% discount coupon for the Keio Department Store Shinjuku Store
- みどころ
新宿から電車で高尾山へ。新宿~高尾山区間の路面電車一日乗車券、高尾山ケーブルカー往復乗車券、地元の名物炭火焼き店「鵜飼鳥山」でのランチがセットになったトラベルパスとレストランのセットプランです。 .
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図