【沖縄】 ナゴパイナップルパーク 入場チケット(沖縄)
4.7 ( 口コミ 345件 )
13K+ 件の予約
  • パイナップル好きなら見逃せない! ナゴパイナップルパークでパイナップルのすべてを知ろう。
  • パイナップル号に飛び乗ったらさあ出発! パイナップル畑の景色をゆっくりと堪能して。
  • ワインショップも併設。パイナップルワイン「ラグリマ・デル・ソル」の生産過程を学びつつ、おいしいワインをちょっと味見。
  • パークスタッフによる「パッパパイナップルダンス」はいつまでも頭に残るメロディ
  • お土産のパイナップル製品を購入しては♪

Do you love pineapples? Do you believe that they go well with pizza? Do you think they go well with rice or pretty much anything? Then you should know that a paradise exists for like-minded pineapple connoisseurs in the beautiful prefecture of Okinawa, Japan. The Nago Pineapple Park is a wonderful gathering point for fans of all things pineapple. By booking through Klook, you’ll be able to avail of discounted tickets to enter this tropical fruit wonderland! There’s a lot of fun and educational things to do inside. You can hop on the pineapple cart and get filmic views of the landscape and the plantations in the area. You’ll also learn about the history of the fruit in the country and how Okinawa has turned into a significant area for farming the yellow delights. There’s also a winery that specializes in the production of wine made purely from pineapple. It’s called “Lagrima Del Sol”, which is Spanish for “Tears of the Sun”. You’ll be able to sample a glass and you’ll surely be in tears as soon as you taste th


