【沖縄】 琉球村入場チケット
4.4 ( 口コミ 220件 )
9K+ 件の予約
  • このアクティビティの[衛生対策強化の詳細](https://www.klook.com/ja/article/11196-covid-measures)
  • 琉球村は沖縄の文化体験や食事、民謡・芸能ショーなどが楽しめます。
  • 美ら海水族館は、神秘に満ちた沖縄の生き物たちの雄大な世界が広がります。
  • 太陽の光が降りそそぐ「サンゴの海」水槽では大規模なサンゴの飼育展示。世界最大の魚ジンベエザメや巨大水槽「黒潮の海」など沖縄の海を丸ごと体感!

Do you happen to be in Okinawa? Then purchase tickets to enter the wonderful Ryukyu Mura Village, a theme park with a rather quaint design created to promote everything related to Okinawan culture. As you walk around the village, you'll get the opportunity to learn all about the local culture through the various performances being done all around, such as the reenactment of traditional Okinawan ceremonies, ethnic dances, and even taiko drumming. You'll even get the chance to learn about Okinawan culture through taste because there's a wide variety of scrumptious local dishes to try out. Depending on your package, you can also get a ticket to enter the Churaumi Aquarium and explore the mysteries of its magnificent aquatic life. You'll be able to get up close and personal with diverse kinds of adorable sea creatures as well as see a gargantuan whale shark. What'll make your visits to the theme park and aquarium even sweeter is that the tickets are of the skip-the-line kind, so you can immediately rush into thes


