Rakuten Travel Experiences
【愛知】 Nerikomi Pottery Lesson With a Famous Potter in Seto, Aichi
- アクティビティ概要
- A rare opportunity — Mr. Mizuno is popular, and his creations sell out quickly at exhibits | Learn all there is to know about nerikomi pottery from Tomoro Mizuno, who’s a viral sensation online | Look around the Mizuno family’s gallery | Take home a mamezara made by Mr. Mizuno right after the activity | Watch a demonstration by Mr. Mizuno, and try kneading clay yourself to make your own 'mamezara' decorative plate
- みどころ
• The mamezara that you'll make will not yet be ready for taking home right after the activity; it will be heated in a kiln. If you wish to receive your finished creation, domestic and international shipping are available as add-ons • Participants must be aged 15 or older • You will need at least conversational-level Japanese to participate in this activity without an interpreter. If you cannot speak Japanese, please book Option 2, which includes an English-speaking guide
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図