- アクティビティ概要
- * The SnowRider coaching team provides ski lessons throughout Japan, including ski resorts such as Hokkaido, Nagano, Kansai and Shinto
- * The coaches all hold certificates certified by the International Snow Federation and have many years of rich teaching experience in major ski resorts in Japan.
- * Coaches focus on creating exclusive private ski lessons for students, so they can enjoy a personalized learning experience without having to compete with others.
- * The course system is carefully designed to fully cover from beginner to advanced levels to meet the needs of students of different levels.
- * Instructors have been stationed at the ski resort for a long time and know the terrain well, so they can ensure the safety of students during skiing.
- * Chinese ski lessons, smooth communication, enjoy skiing fun
- みどころ
蔵王温泉スキー場は、良質なパウダースノーを体験できる名スキー場「横倉の壁」をはじめ、変化に富んだゲレンデを有する東北最大のスキー場です。 スキー場には32基のリフトとロープウェイがあり、ケーブルカーは標高1,661メートルの山頂まで到達でき、最長10キロメートル以上のスキーコースを楽しめます。 スキーを楽しみながら、雄大な自然「樹氷」の美しい景色も楽しめます。
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図