- アクティビティ概要
- * 丹後を代表する日本三景の景勝地「天橋立」と、まるで海上に浮かんでいるかのような舟屋を見に行く絶景旅。
- * 天橋立を見下ろす有名な「股のぞき」の名所で元伊勢籠神社の近くにある府中駅からリフトまたはケーブルカーで登ります!
- * 「股のぞき」した時の眺めは、天橋立が天に舞う龍のように見えることから「飛龍観」と呼ばれています。
- * 舟屋が立ち並ぶ伊根湾を約30分かけて周遊。船に群がるカモメにエサをあげるのも、伊根湾めぐりの醍醐味のひとつ。
- みどころ
Visit Amanohashidate, one of the "Three Scenic Spots of Japan", and take a chairlift or cable car to the observation deck to enjoy the unique scenery of Amanohashidate. Remember to try the "under-crotch view", which will not only help you understand the origin of the name "Amanohashidate", but also make the scenery even more beautiful! In addition, you can also take the opportunity to relax in a hot spring or visit surrounding attractions and facilities. Finally, take a cruise on Ine Bay to appreciate the unique wooden architecture of Ine Funaya on the water and experience the quaint charm of one of Japan's most beautiful villages.
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図