【千葉】 【東京ドイツ村イルミネーション日帰りツアー(冬限定)】(鴨川シーワールドで美味しいビュッフェランチ or 木更津アウトレットでショッピング)
- アクティビティ概要
- Tokyo German Village, one of the "Three Great Lantern Festivals in Kanto". Every winter, the park is decorated with different themes of lighting activities, which makes visitors fascinated.
- The Sea Firefly Rest Station, the only underwater rest station in the world, has a large area and can enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the ocean. It is a dating place full of romantic atmosphere.
- Go to Kamogawa Ocean World on Saturday, where there are marine creatures that you can't see in daily life, feel the warmth of life, understand the importance of life and its environment, and have fun. With a delicious buffet lunch, you can spend a meaningful weekend with your family members.
- Go to Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu on Wednesday, with a few friends and family, and enjoy shopping time after work.
- みどころ
(ツアーは土曜日出発) 10:00 三井住友銀行新宿西口支店前集合 11:00~11:30 海ほたるPA 海ほたる休憩所(30分) 12:45~15:15 鴨川シーワールド ランチビュッフェ付き(150分) 16:30~18:00 ドイツ村ライトショー(90分) 18:00集合・戻り、20:00新宿解散 (ツアーは水曜出発) 10:00に新宿三井銀行入口集合 11:00~11:30 海ほたるPA 海ほたる休憩所(30分) 11:45~14:45 三井アウトレットパーク木更津(180ポイント) 15:30~17:30 ドイツ村ライトショー(120分) 17:30集合・帰宅、19:30新宿解散
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図