- アクティビティ概要
- 広大な植物園には南国の木々や花々が沢山!南国の珍しい植物を楽しもう♪
- カピバラやリスザルなど小動物のふれあいや週末のバードショーは必見!
- 動物と植物に触れ合える沖縄の穴場スポット
- トラムカートツアーやウォーキングツアーもあります。公式ページの[園内マップ&ツアー](https://www.southeast-botanical.jp/map/)を事前確認してから行ってみよう!
- KLOOKブログ「[東南植物楽園 | 2022年最新レポ](https://www.klook.com/ja/blog/southeast-botanical-gardens-okinawa/)」も要チェック!
- みどころ
Venture beyond the concrete jungles of Japan and travel to the beautiful prefecture of Okinawa. The southeast area of the prefecture plays home to the nature wonderland known as the Southeast Botanical Gardens and you can take the opportunity to be one with nature inside it. The garden is huge; it's a hundred acres long and houses 2,000 kinds of plants and flowers. Take a relaxing stroll around the garden and admire the gorgeous nature that surrounds you. You might even bump into the adorable animals that live there. If you're not creeped out by bugs, the garden has an insect collection that you might want to look at; there's a lot of unique insects being taken care of by the garden and you can watch them go about their daily lives. Wherever you go in the garden, the beauty of the many plants will surely be a treat to your eyes. Revel in the tranquil atmosphere generated by the garden's serene ponds, the rustling of the foliage, and the scent of dazzling flowers. This is definitely recommended to nature lover
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図