【広島】 Hiroshima & Miyajima One Day Tour by Bullet Train from Kyoto
- アクティビティ概要
- Visit the Itsukushima Shrine and behold its picturesque beauty as it sits upon the sea
- Discover the terror behind the atomic bomb at the Hiroshima Peace Museum
- Gaze upon the Atomic Bomb Dome and witness the disastrous outcome of the first atomic bombing during WWII and uncover the promotion of peace brought through preserving the dome
- Ride the iconic Shinkansen (bullet train) in both directions
- みどころ
Enlighten your previous notions of WWII with a day trip that will put into perspective the impact of the first atomic bombing. The Atomic Bomb Dome is an important element of the trip, reminding us of the destruction the bomb caused. The Dome is now preserved to promote peace and the elimination of all atomic bombs. Don't worry, the somber atmosphere doesn't continue for long as you witness the spiritual beauty of the Itsukushima Shrine. Famed as a floating shrine on the sea, Itsukushima Shrine surrounds itself by the Prussian blue sea and the picturesque virgin forest. Anyone wanting a day of wondrous sightseeing and purposeful historic learning, then give this trip a shot!
- 目的地、もしくは出発地周辺の地図