[Oita] Cooking Class: make a local delicacy in a Japanese house and DISCOVER KYUSHU EXPRESS “36+3”(private compartment type) Package

DISCOVER KYUSHU EXPRESS “36+3”(private compartment type)

Fukuoka / Kagoshima / Kumamoto / Miyazaki / Nagasaki / Oita / Saga
Popular areas and events
Aso National Park Beppu Onsen Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine Fukuoka Airport Huis Ten Bosch Sakurajima Yakushima Yufuin Onsen

17,600~27,700 JPY

[Oita] Cooking Class: make a local delicacy in a Japanese house
5.0 ( 5 reviews )
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Free cancellation - 24 hours notice

6,500 JPY

  • 'Dango noodle soup' is made by kneading wheat flour (or rice flour) with water, letting it rest for a while, then stretching and tearing the dough by hand before adding it to the soup. It's a hearty, wholesome dish made with local, seasonal vegetables such as 'taro' potato and burdock, then seasoned with miso or soy sauce.
  • This is the only cooking class available in Beppu hosted within a century-old Japanese house - a truly 'local' experience!
What to expect

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