[Tokyo] Matsumoto Kiyoshi Duty-free Discount Coupon | 10% Duty Free + Up to 7% Extra Discount | Japan
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- Overview
Enjoy a duty-free discount coupon to use at Matsumoto Kiyoshi drugstores in the Kanto, Tokai, and Kansai regions. Shop at great value with a 10% tax exemption and 7%, 5%, and 3% discounts. Shop a variety of products at duty-free and make the most of your Japan trip.
- Free super deal coupons are now available! Click here for more information!
- Use an electronic coupon for Matsumoto Kiyoshi, a drug store that operates in the three major metropolitan areas of Kanto, Tokai, and Kansai
- Get 10% duty-free and 7%, 5% or 3% discounts
- Take advantage of the coupon regardless of nationality, as long as they meet the duty-free conditions
- Free super deal coupons are now available! Click here for more information!
- What to expect
Enjoy a duty-free discount coupon to use at Matsumoto Kiyoshi drugstores in the Kanto, Tokai, and Kansai regions. Shop at great value with a 10% tax exemption and 7%, 5%, and 3% discounts. Shop a variety of products at duty-free and make the most of your Japan trip.
- Map of destination or departure area