- Overview
- Gain insight into your guide's recommended sushi restaurants at Toyosu Market | Learn the history of the market from a guide with years of observation and experience in the relevant industries | Savor the freshest and tastiest sushi for breakfast | Tour Toyosu Market, famous as the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world | Witness the tuna auction, from the brokers checking the quality to the auctioneers selling them at exorbitant prices
- What to expect
'- Toyosu Fish Market is a place for food professionals, and not originally intended for tourism; be careful of the busy forklifts and carts working from the early hours of the morning - Wearing casual clothes and comfortable shoes is strongly recommend - Groups of five or more people may be split into two groups - Your tour may be a group tour with other guests - Do not bring strollers or luggages to the market, as the passageways are very narrow - The price does not include your breakfast; payment in Toyosu is basically by cash - Flash photography and alcohol are both strictly prohibited at the auction observation, and anyone breaking this rule may be ejected without warning - **Important:** be sure to check these instructions ASAP after you book: [Instructions for Guests](https://rakuten-travelexp.net/3XKvdff)
- Map of destination or departure area