Day Trips
Would you like to experience "Day Trips" when you visit Kichijoji?3 popular "Day Trips" to experience in Kichijoji are available for reservation right now.
Some experiences are available today and tomorrow.You can also find convenient transportation tickets to get to the meeting place.
Popular activities at "Day Trips" that you can book in Kichijoji
Ikebukuro Otome Street Parade: An immersive experience for women to go to anime paradise!
15,000 JPYBook now for today -
Nakano Broadway: Explore the mysterious treasure house of the second dimension!
15,000 JPYBook now for today -
Kagurazaka is a place with a mix of old and new charms, guided by a local guide. You can also experience cherry blossom viewing in spring.
11,000 JPYBook now for today
Fun activities in Kichijoji
Tours & Sightseeing
Activities & Experiences
- Traditional activities
- Classes & workshops
- Nature & animals
- Cultural Experiences
- Skiing & snowboarding
- Water activities