Day Trips
Would you like to experience "Day Trips" when you visit Akihabara?3 popular "Day Trips" to experience in Akihabara are available for reservation right now.
Some experiences are available today and tomorrow.You can also find convenient transportation tickets to get to the meeting place.
Popular activities at "Day Trips" that you can book in Akihabara
PRIVATE 3Hour Best of AKIHABARA Walk with a Local Otaku Guide
12,500 JPYBook now for today -
Akihabara Anime & Gaming Adventure Walking Tour in Tokyo
13,700 JPYBook now for today -
Enjoy Akihabara with a private tour guide tailored for you! Maid Cafe/Animation/Video Games only charge by time and not by number of people, super cost-effective!
16,100 JPYBook now for today
Fun activities in Akihabara
Activities & Experiences
- Outdoor activities
- Classes & workshops
- Traditional activities
- Cultural Experiences
- Hot Springs
- Skiing & snowboarding
- Indoor Activities & Classes
Tours & Sightseeing
- Local Tours
- Sightseeing
- Walking & biking
- Day Trips
- Cherry Blossom Tours
- Guided Food Tours
- Cruises & island tours
- Winter Tours