Day Trips
Would you like to experience "Day Trips" when you visit Abashiri?4 popular "Day Trips" to experience in Abashiri are available for reservation right now.
Some experiences are available today and tomorrow.You can also find convenient transportation tickets to get to the meeting place.
Popular activities at "Day Trips" that you can book in Abashiri
[Winter only] Hokkaido | Drift ice sightseeing boat Garinko-go: Drift ice and Monbetsu hot springs for 2 days. Same price for 1 person per room! (Departing from Sapporo)
31,900 JPYBook now for today -
Icebreaker Cruise & Monbetsu Ocean Park & Sounkyo Ice Fall Festival
21,500 JPYBook now for 25 Jan 2025 -
[Group for 1 person] One-day trip to Hokkaido, Japan|Take an icebreaker to watch the drifting ice, Monbetsu Marine Park, Sounkyo Ice Falls Festival (departing from Sapporo)
21,500 JPYBook now for today -
One-day trip to Hokkaido|Take the new icebreaker GARINKO GO Ⅲ, enjoy the magnificent landscape of the ice and snow world, and experience a fantastic ice and snow trip|Depart from Sapporo
16,803 JPYBook now for 1 Feb 2025