[Saitama] Kimono Rental by Kimono Rental Wargo Kawagoe Store
5.0 ( 2 reviews )
82 Booked
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4,400 JPY

  • Enjoy exploring the streets of Kawagoe while dressed in a kimono
  • Feel free to immerse yourself in Japanese culture and take beautiful photos.
  • Friendly for first-timers! As professional staff will dress you!
What to expect

・着物姿に着替えて、川越を観光しよう! ・プロのスタッフが着付けするため初めての方も大丈夫! ・着物+帯+和装用バッグ+草履付き。手ぶらで来店OK ・ヘアセット付き&かんざし1本レンタル付き! ・旅行に便利!オプションで、翌日返却が可能

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