[千葉] Morning Walk and Home-Style Japanese Lunch at Chiba City
5.0 ( 1則評價 )

7,700 JPY

  • Hello, I'm your guide, Grace, a mother of two kids in my mid 40's. I have been in Chiba for about 18 years. I gave birth and raised my kids here. I love this city, and I also love Japanese culture!
  • I traveled a lot and had many wonderful experiences interacting with the local people and experiencing the culture.
  • The reason I started this job is because I want everyone who travels to Japan to have the same wonderful experiences that I had.
  • There are many attractive places to visit in Chiba City and you can experience Japanese traditional and local culture.
  • First of all, We will go to Chiba Shrine which is beautiful and quiet place familiar to citizens from the past.
  • Then, Inohana -Tei, A tea shop in the grounds of the Chiba Castle. You can also take impressive photos at these places.
  • We will stop by Chiba art museum which is A century-old Neo-Renaissance structure, and Visitors can view works of art by artists associated with Chiba City.

Chiba Shrine has a 1,000-year history and is dedicated to the spirit of the North Star, the Big Dipper. The shrine is visited by worshippers from all over Japan as well as Chiba citizens. The shrine is also a god of the direction of the Big Dipper, so many people come to seek the divine power to avert or cancel disasters related to the direction of the Big Dipper, such as daily travel, driving, moving house and construction, as well as to turn around or improve their luck. Why not visit such a shrine? You can experience the history and culture of Chiba. 北極星北斗七星の御神霊を祀る1000年の歴史を持つ千葉神社。今もなお千葉市民のみならず全国から参拝者が訪れ親しまれています。 悪い星を除き、善い星へと導く厄除開運の御神徳や、方位方角の神様なので、日々の移動や車の運転、転居や建築事など、 方位方角にかかわる災いについて事前の回避や事後の解除、 運気の好転や向上の御神徳も強く、これらを求めてたくさんの方が参られます。 そんな神社をお参りしてみませんか。 千葉の歴史や文化に触れることが出来ます。

