[東京] Luxury van Ride to famous car meet up spot Daikoku
4.6 ( 123則評價 )

9,600 JPY

  • (For the JDM sportscars see our listing)
  • The meet-ups at Daikoku are the planets absolut most intensive meet-ups. The best showroom in the world. Where else could you experience real on-the-road JDMs as well as supercars and rare cars. A car enthisiasts biggest event.
  • You will be driven in the Iconic Toyota Alphard Luxury minivan/MPV. 1st class seats and access.
  • When the weather is clear you will have the most amazing views and big city feeling that you will not get with bus, train or taxi.
  • Apart from the itinerary we will be driving on the elevated highway between the high buildings. We will pass Rainbow bridge and see the City from the bay side.
  • The tour is child friendly. There are 6 seats available.
  • The tour need a minimum of 2 participants.
  • Your driver is a family father with 30 years of driving experience and 20 years of living in Japan.

We will drive on the elevated highways through Tokyo and sverwe between Skyscapers, bridges and monorails.

