[埼玉] Wellness in Saitama: Takedera Blowing Zen Meditation & Hot Spring

28,600 JPY

  • Saitama Prefecture, adjacent to Tokyo, offers a diverse options of experiences that cater to wellness and mindfulness enthusiasts and it's only an hour away from Tokyo.
  • This unique offering takes you to Takedera in Hanno City, a distinctive temple where the harmonious blend of Shintoism and Buddhism converges with a vast bamboo forest. While immersing yourself in the tranquility of this spiritual sanctuary, meet your instructor, Mr. Aoyama, for a truly unique experience – learning the art of "suizen," or blowing Zen meditation. This practice is so rare that even many Japanese locals have never encountered it.
  • Following your visit to Takedera, your wellness journey continues to the Kirari Spa Villa by Miyazawa Lake. As one of Saitama's most popular spas, this villa boasts an extensive variety of options - A carbonated pool, open-air baths, hot stone baths (aka "ganban-yoku"), saunas, and more. Spend your afternoon at the spa villa before returning to the hustle and bustle of Tokyo.





  • 東京西武線川越1日乘車券

  • 【秩父 川越】SEIBU 1 Day Pass 西武鐵路一日優惠通票(多種套票可選)

    1,000 JPY

  • 西瓜卡(Welcome Suica)& JR線路一日通票

    1,500 JPY

  • 【日光交通必備】東武鐵道日光周遊券 Nikko Pass ( 四日 )

    2,120~4,780 JPY

  • 日光廣域周遊券(淺草領取)- 二日券

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • 日光廣域周遊券(淺草領取)- 二日券

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • JR東京廣域周遊券 (3日)

    18,485 JPY

  • JR Pass 東日本長野 & 新潟地區鐵路周遊券(5日)

    27,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 東日本東北地區鐵路周遊券(5日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 北陸拱形鐵路周遊券(7日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR 東日本・南北海道鐵路周遊券(6日)

    35,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 全日本鐵路通票(7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
