[福岡] Hotel Torifito Hakata Gion + JR 九州 36+3 豪華觀光列車(綠色車廂) 套票

JR 九州 36+3 豪華觀光列車(綠色車廂)

佐賀 / 大分 / 宮崎 / 熊本 / 福岡 / 長崎 / 鹿兒島
別府溫泉 太宰府天滿宮 屋久島 櫻島 湯布院溫泉 福岡機場 豪斯登堡 阿蘇國立公園

13,600~24,000 JPY

[福岡] Hotel Torifito Hakata Gion

10,308 JPY

  • A 5-minute walk from the nearest subway "Gion Station", which is 3 stations from Fukuoka Airport and 1 station from JR Hakata Station!
  • It has a modern Japanese structure with the concept of Hakata tradition and Nakasu culture.
  • We have 130 rooms of 4 types with Hakata-ori, Hakata lanterns, bent objects, and Yamakasa decorations.
  • On the 2nd floor, there is a large communal bath, which is still rare in the city, and guests-only welcome drinks and free mini ice cream are also available.
  • Around the hotel, there are sightseeing spots such as Kushida Shrine, a convenience store, which is a 2-3 minute walk, Canal City Hakata, Nakasu Kawabata Shopping Arcade, stalls, downtown Nakasu, and Hakataza. At the time of Yamakasa (Okiyama), the floats run through the alley in front of the hotel, and you can enjoy the powerful sight in front of you.
  • As for Hakata's specialty gourmet, there is a long-established store called the originator of motsunabe, which is about a 1-2 minute walk away, a mizutaki restaurant popular with locals / tourists, a famous yakitori restaurant with Hakata udon noodles in the national ward, and a procession. There are many restaurants such as the popular Hakata Tetsunabe dumplings, a Japanese restaurant famous for lunch with mizutaki, Nagahama / Hakata ramen, and Hakata udon.




  • 日本|九州超值票券|福岡市地下鐵一日券

  • 福岡觀光城市通票

    2,560 JPY

  • JR 九州鐵路福岡廣域電子周遊券

    3,000~7,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 全 / 北 / 南九州鐵路周遊券(3/ 5 日)

    10,000~25,000 JPY

  • JR 九州 36+3 豪華觀光列車(私人包廂)

    17,600~27,700 JPY

  • 【關西 廣島】JR山陰& 山陽& 北九州地區鐵路周遊券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • JR西日本全地區鐵路周遊券

    26,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 全日本鐵路通票(7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
