[東京] Fireworks Festival Tour in Yakatabune Tokyo Japan + JR Pass 東日本長野 & 新潟地區鐵路周遊券(5日) 套票


JR Pass 東日本長野 & 新潟地區鐵路周遊券(5日)

成田 / 新潟 / 日光 / 東京 / 越後湯澤 / 輕井澤 / 長野

27,000 JPY

[東京] Fireworks Festival Tour in Yakatabune Tokyo Japan
2.0 ( 1則評價 )

110,000 JPY

  • Sumida River Fireworks Festival (7/27) and Ashikaga Fireworks Festival (7/20) with 13,000 fireworks in Ashikaga and 20,000 fireworks in Sumida River, both of which are large-scale. Therefore, there are also many spectators, with an average of 700,000 spectators at the Ashikaga Fireworks Festival and 1 million spectators at the Sumida River Fireworks Festival. What to do?
  • As one of a million, you don't want to be crowded while watching, here's a great idea: take a boat-shaped boat. You don't have to stand in line in advance, you don't have to eat before entering the venue, you don't have to fight against your instincts to control the frequency of going to the toilet, and you don't have to squeeze out of the venue. Don't you think you've solved several pain points of the fireworks festival?
  • You can enjoy sukiyaki deliciously on the boat and watch Japanese performances. After the fireworks festival starts, go to the rooftop deck without obstruction to enjoy the fireworks festival.





  • 東京西武線川越1日乘車券

  • 東急電鐵一日券

  • 東京地鐵乘車券(24 / 48 / 72小時)

    800~1,500 JPY

  • 【秩父 川越】SEIBU 1 Day Pass 西武鐵路一日優惠通票(多種套票可選)

    1,000 JPY

  • 伊豆箱根線鐵道&巴士乘車券

    1,200~1,700 JPY

  • 西瓜卡(Welcome Suica)& JR線路一日通票

    1,500 JPY

  • 東京交通票券|京王線一日券+高尾山纜車套票

    1,910 JPY

  • 【日光交通必備】東武鐵道日光周遊券 Nikko Pass ( 四日 )

    2,120~4,780 JPY

  • 日光廣域周遊券(淺草領取)- 二日券

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • 日光廣域周遊券(淺草領取)- 二日券

    2,120~4,160 JPY

  • 【優惠】Skyliner京成電鐵車票

    2,310 JPY

  • 東京讀賣樂園套票 | 讀賣樂園門票&京王線一日券

    2,600 JPY

  • 東京 Skyliner 京成電鐵 & 東京地鐵乘車券套票

    2,900~5,600 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX)(成田機場第一航廈 - 東京)

    3,070 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX)(東京 - 成田機場第一航廈)

    3,070 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX)(成田機場第一航廈 - 新宿)

    3,250 JPY

  • JR 成田特快(N'EX)(新宿 - 成田機場第一航廈)

    3,250 JPY

  • 箱根周遊券(2/ 3日)

    5,700~6,100 JPY

  • 箱根鎌倉周遊券(3日)

    7,520 JPY

  • 日本・東京交通票券|箱根鎌倉周遊三日券

    7,520 JPY

  • 富士箱根周遊券

    9,340 JPY

  • JR 新幹線(京都 - 東京)

    13,320 JPY

  • JR 新幹線(新大阪 - 東京)

    13,820 JPY

  • JR東京廣域周遊券 (3日)

    18,485 JPY

  • JR Pass 東日本東北地區鐵路周遊券(5日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 北陸拱形鐵路周遊券(7日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR 東日本・南北海道鐵路周遊券(6日)

    35,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 全日本鐵路通票(7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
