[熊本] Paraglide Over Daikanbo & the Five Peaks of Aso in Kumamoto + JR 九州 36+3 豪華觀光列車(私人包廂) 套票

JR 九州 36+3 豪華觀光列車(私人包廂)

佐賀 / 大分 / 宮崎 / 熊本 / 福岡 / 長崎 / 鹿兒島
別府溫泉 太宰府天滿宮 屋久島 櫻島 湯布院溫泉 福岡機場 豪斯登堡 阿蘇國立公園

17,600~27,700 JPY

Rakuten Travel Experiences
[熊本] Paraglide Over Daikanbo & the Five Peaks of Aso in Kumamoto
0.0 ( 0則評價 )

18,000 JPY

  • Get a bird's eye view of the mountainous Aso area: not only Daikanbo, but also the Five Peaks of Aso | Safe and beginner-friendly — your instructor will control the paraglider | Take in the scenic, sweeping landscapes below you as you soar through the air

• This activity may be canceled due to inclement weather or other conditions. In the event that this happens, we will contact you the day before your activity to refund or reschedule • Even on the day of the activity, the tour may be canceled due to unforeseen weather conditions • On average, the paragliding experience itself takes 15 minutes per person, but the duration may vary depending on the wind condition • As a COVID-19 prevention measure, your instructor jumping in tandem with you will be wearing a mask throughout the duration of the flight Activity Rules: - Participants must be aged 6 or older, weighing 40–80 kg, and in good physical condition - Please do not wear skirts and/or shoes that may fall off (e.g. sandals) - Please understand that in booking this activity, we may share your booking information (but without individually identifiable data) to the Ministry of the Environment, with which this activity is affiliated. By making a booking, you signify that you agree to these terms.





  • JR Pass 全 / 北 / 南九州鐵路周遊券(3/ 5 日)

    10,000~25,000 JPY

  • JR 九州 36+3 豪華觀光列車(綠色車廂)

    13,600~24,000 JPY

  • 【關西 廣島】JR山陰& 山陽& 北九州地區鐵路周遊券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 全日本鐵路通票(7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
