- 活動概要
- * Visit the beautiful Arashiyama Bamboo Forest early in the morning to avoid the crowds
- * Explore the beautiful Japanese gardens at the UNESCO World Heritage Tenryuji Temple
- * See and interact with Japanese monkeys at Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama
- * Visit Otagi Nenbutsuji Temple and see 1
- 200 Buddhist statues
- * Go to Ryoanji Temple, where fifteen stones and white sand in the rock garden symbolize the essence of Zen
- * Discover Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), experience Japanese calligraphy, and enjoy matcha with traditional sweets
- 行程介紹
早點開始新的一天,在人群面前享受寧靜的竹林。參觀被聯合國教科文組織列為世界遺產的天龍寺,並在其傳統的日本花園中漫步。然後,步行至渡月橋欣賞風景並拍照留念 然後,前往猴子公園,在那裡您可以餵食和觀察野生猴子,同時還可以從山頂欣賞京都市的壯麗景色。隨後,在當地的日本餐廳享用午餐,然後參觀擁有 1,200 尊獨特佛教雕像的御田園佛寺 (Otaginenbutsuji Temple) 旅程繼續前往龍安寺,龍安寺以其體現禪宗寧靜的岩石花園而聞名。最後,探索金閣寺,體驗日本書法,品嚐抹茶和傳統甜點
- 目的地或出發地周邊地區的地圖