[北海道] 北海道登別一日遊(中英服務)|洞爺湖展望臺(可選雪地摩托自費體驗)&Lake Hill Farm&昭和新山熊牧場&登別地獄谷一日遊
- 活動概要
- * 札幌出發,天天發團,贈送特色冰淇淋
- * 觀賞北海道也有的富士山:蝦夷富士
- * 北海道地標景點——洞爺湖,賞湖光山色
- * 近距離觀察熊牧場裡可愛熊熊們,看它們憨厚可愛的樣子
- * 登別地獄谷,火山噴發形成的火山口遺蹟,荒涼的土地上空升起蒸汽,形成了名副其實的地獄般的恐怖景象
- 行程介紹
Departing from Sapporo, the first stop is Yoteiyama Kyogoku Meisui Park, where you can see Ezo Fuji, known as the "Little Mount Fuji". The second stop is Lake Toya, located in the southwest of Hokkaido, which belongs to Shikotsu-Toya National Park. Enjoy the lake and mountain scenery by Lake Toya. The third stop is Lake Hill Farm, where you can enjoy the scenery and taste the special ice cream. The fourth stop is the Bear Ranch, where you can interact with the cute little bears. The fifth stop is Noboribetsu Hell Valley, a strange valley formed by lava after a volcanic eruption. Finally, return to Sapporo and end the day's trip~
- 目的地或出發地周邊地區的地圖