- 活動概要
- This is a private tour, so you can go around at your own pace.
- You'll start by taking a walk in the Genbei River, where the water is crystal clear and beautiful - you'll be impressed.
- The bicycles you rent in Izunagaoka are electric bicycles, so it's very easy to get around.
- Most of the roads to the mandarin orange picking area are closed to cars, so you can ride your bike safely.
- There are fewer people around, especially on weekdays, so you can ride at your own pace.
- If you're lucky, you can see Mt. Fuji.
- All-you-can-eat mandarins!
- Freshly picked mandarins are sweet and very juicy.
- 行程介紹
這次旅行是私人旅行,因此您可以按照自己的步調探索。 行程的開始,三島,我們沿著富士山泉水流淌的河邊散步。 河水清澈見底,非常乾淨。當你接觸到水的時候,感覺很涼爽,非常舒服。 接下來,搭乘電車前往伊豆長岡站。 從伊豆長岡站騎自行車到採摘橘子的田地,盡情享受! 如果運氣好的話,騎車時還可以看到富士山的美景。 在橘子田,可以體驗採摘橘子。靜岡縣是日本第三大柑橘生產地。
- 目的地或出發地周邊地區的地圖