- 活動概要
- Ascend to the ‘Roof of Japan’ via the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route and explore the beautiful and dramatic alpine landscape of Mount Tate
- Wander the leisurely trails on a guided walk beneath the summit of Mount Tate – one of Japan’s three sacred mountains – past the snow-melt ponds and lush alpine meadows
- Take in the changing seasons including the beautiful alpine flowers of summer (July to August) and some of Japan’s most stunning alpine colours (September to October)
- Enjoy a unique variety of mountain transports to reach the summit of 2450 meters and the grand scale of the Kurobe Dam – a source of national pride
- 行程介紹
這次旅行將帶您登上日本最高的山脈,進入日本三大聖山之一立山的陰影之中。乘坐立山-黑部阿爾卑斯山路線的山間交通工具,您將登上“日本屋脊”——日本交通工具可到達的海拔不到 2500 米的地方——在那裡,您的導遊將陪同您悠閒地漫步在壯麗而美麗的高山景觀中,探索立山的神聖景觀。
- 目的地或出發地周邊地區的地圖