- 活動概要
- * An impressive performance featuring traditional Japanese musical instruments and attire
- * New entertainment of traditional Japanese instrument performances, UTAGE LIVE SHOW, which you can only experience here!
- * Allowing guests to experience traditional Japanese instruments live and join in a song during the show!
- 行程介紹
什麼是UTAGE LIVE SHOW? 在UTAGE LIVE SHOW上,將展示日本鼓、三味線、尺八、筱笛等大家熟悉的日本樂器,還有關西地區最大的鼓之一(直徑180厘米),讓觀眾著迷不已不僅有音樂,還包括各種表演和視覺元素。嘉賓將受邀上台體驗演奏日本樂器,並有機會參與表演。觀眾不僅可以用耳朵享受音樂,更會融入各種視覺元素,讓現場熱鬧起來。
- 目的地或出發地周邊地區的地圖