- 活動概要
- * Visit Tokugawaen, which represents the most famous daimyo gardens in the Edo period, and be exposed to aesthetic sense of Japan.
- * Tokugawaen in the springtime is filled with numerous flowers and cherry blossoms!
- * Enjoy Nagoya Castle containing rich history and designed as a special historic site.
- * Spring Festival is held at Nagoya Castle, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing and eating around.
- 行程介紹
**德川園:** 德川園佔地 44 公頃,由湖泊、瀑布、植物和樹木組成。它們的排列象徵著日本的自然景觀。您將看到櫻花以及日本梅花和菖蒲等春天的花朵。 **名古屋城春節:** 名古屋城被評選為日本百座城堡之一。園內種植有以染井吉野櫻和垂枝櫻為主的約10個品種、約1,000棵櫻花樹。您可以享受各種活動、茶道和甜點。除了美麗的櫻花之外,您還可以欣賞到平時無法看到的名古屋城的美景。
- 目的地或出發地周邊地區的地圖