[京都] "Unlock Kyoto's Charm: Government-Certified Group Tour
1.0 ( 1条评价 )

14,440 JPY

  • Embark on a whimsical journey through Kyoto's hidden treasures with our 'Mystical Kyoto Quest' tour! Uncover secret shrines, wander enchanting bamboo forests, and sip tea in traditional tea houses. Follow our knowledgeable guides as they unveil fascinating tales of samurai legends and geisha mystique. Traverse winding alleyways, sample delectable street food, and discover hidden art studios. Immerse yourself in captivating cultural activities like calligraphy and kimono dressing. Experience the thrill of a rickshaw ride through historic neighborhoods and revel in the mesmerizing beauty of illuminated temples at night. Unveil the mysteries of Kyoto on this unforgettable adventure that promises laughter, discovery, and unforgettable memories
  • Note: if you are a solo or couple traveler, you might be ask to join another couple or solo traveler





  • 京阪电车 京都 & 大阪观光一日券 / 二日券(大阪市区领取)

    600~1,700 JPY

  • 京都 - 大阪观光一日券 / 二日券(京都市区领取)

  • Hankyu Tourist Pass for Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe(1, 2Days)

    700~1,200 JPY

  • 京都岚电一日乘车券(大阪领取)

  • 岚山嵯峨野观光火车票(京都车站领取)

  • 睿山电车一日乘车票

    1,200 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都 奈良】关西近铁电车周游券(1/ 2 /5 /5日PLUS)

    1,350~4,410 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西地区铁路周游券(1 /2 /3 /4日)

    2,800~7,000 JPY

  • 关西迷你铁路周游券 JR Kansai Mini PASS(3日)

    3,000 JPY

  • 关西铁路卡

    5,600~7,000 JPY

  • 关西ICOCA卡(大阪领取)

    7,130 JPY

  • Kansai WIDE Area Excursion Pass

    10,000 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西广域铁路周游券(5日)

    12,000 JPY

  • JR 新干线(东京 - 京都)

    13,320 JPY

  • JR关西&广岛地区铁路周游券(5日)

    17,000 JPY

  • JR关西&北陆地区铁路周游券(7日)

    17,000 JPY

  • 【飞驒高山】JR高山、北陆地区周游券(5日)

    19,800 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阳&山阴地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阴 & 山阳 & 北九州地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • JR北陆拱形铁路周游券(7日)

    24,500 JPY

  • JR-WEST All Area Pass

    26,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
