[京都] Samurai Training with Modern day Musashi in Kyoto + 关西铁路卡 套票


京都 / 兵库 / 和歌山 / 大阪 / 奈良 / 滋贺

5,600~7,000 JPY

[京都] Samurai Training with Modern day Musashi in Kyoto
5.0 ( 63条评价 )

20,000 JPY

  • ▼The Most Authentic Samurai Training Activity in Japan▼
  • In this 120-minute activity held at "Yushinkan Kyoto," a katana dojo that regularly teaches 20+ students, anyone can learn how to draw, hold, wield, and sheath the katana from the modern-day Miyamoto Musashi.
  • Watching the samurai master’s skills who has been training 20+ years and actually getting your hands on a real katana to chop mats will be an experience you will never forget.
  • Shogo from the YouTube channel “Let's ask Shogo (1.7M subs)” will give you clear instructions and happily answer any questions about katana, samurai, and martial arts. We will provide you with everything you need for your training.
  • ▼The content of this experience▼
  • 1. Getting dressed in the training gear
  • 2. Learning how to draw, sheath, and swing the katana safely
  • 3. Learning about the culture and history of katana and samurai
  • 4. Cutting rolled tatami mats with a real katana
  • 5. Watching the master's katana performance





  • 京都 - 大阪观光一日券 / 二日券(京都市区领取)

  • 京阪电车 京都 & 大阪观光一日券 / 二日券(大阪市区领取)

    700~1,700 JPY

  • 京都岚电一日乘车券(大阪领取)

  • 岚山嵯峨野观光火车票(京都车站领取)

  • 睿山电车一日乘车票

    1,200 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都 奈良】关西近铁电车周游券(1/ 2 /5 /5日PLUS)

    1,800~5,700 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西地区铁路周游券(1 /2 /3 /4日)

    2,800~7,000 JPY

  • Arima Onsen Taikou-no-yu Package Ticket

    3,000 JPY

  • 关西迷你铁路周游券 JR Kansai Mini PASS(3日)

    3,000 JPY

  • Kansai WIDE Area Excursion Pass

    10,000 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西广域铁路周游券(5日)

    12,000 JPY

  • JR 新干线(东京 - 京都)

    13,320 JPY

  • JR关西&广岛地区铁路周游券(5日)

    17,000 JPY

  • JR关西&北陆地区铁路周游券(7日)

    19,000~19,800 JPY

  • 【飞驒高山】JR高山、北陆地区周游券(5日)

    19,800 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阳&山阴地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阴 & 山阳 & 北九州地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • JR-WEST All Area Pass

    26,000 JPY

  • JR北陆拱形铁路周游券(7日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
