Rakuten Travel Experiences
[静冈] Tezutsu Hanabi Firework-Making & VR in Toyohashi, Aichi

11,000 JPY

  • Dive into the culture and history of tezutsu hanabi, originating in Toyohashi City | Hear stories of firing these powerful fountain fireworks from a tezutsu hanabi veteran | Learn all about Toyohashi’s traditional hand-held fireworks: tezutsu hanabi | Make your own inert tezutsu hanabi — hand-held fireworks made from a bamboo tube and rice-straw rope | See a tezutsu hanabi display in virtual reality (VR) — available all year round come rain or shine!

• This activity is held in Japanese; please choose the option with a guide if you need English translation • Please make sure you’ll be able to take your tezutsu hanabi back home; it will be a 10-by-30-centimeter cylinder, made from a bamboo tube and rice-straw rope • This activity requires at least two participants for us to accept your booking

