[东京] Toyosu & Tsukiji Market and Making Sushi Workshop Tour
4.9 ( 9条评价 )

45,000 JPY

  • On this tour, you will have the opportunity to visit the Toyosu wholesaler market with a guide, which is not accessible only to tourists. You will also have the opportunity to see the process of cutting up a block of tuna into individual portions, which is a very special job that even young sushi chefs are not allowed to do.
  • We will purchase tuna from the Toyosu Market, and work with a sushi chef to pick out and make sushi. You will see where the tuna that you eat at restaurants comes from and learn about it while eating tuna.
  • In this tour, you will have a special opportunity to experience the process with a sushi chef. At the end of the tour, we will eat the tuna we have cut ourselves in a variety of ways. You will also have the chance to try your hand at making sushi.

