- 活动概要
- * The Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, located in Katsuyama City, Fukui, Japan's most renowned dinosaur fossil site, is one of the world's top dinosaur museums.
- * Offers exhibits that captivate and delight both adults and children alike
- * The spacious exhibition hall, free of any supporting pillars, is filled with a variety of dinosaur skeletons, fossil specimens, and realistic models that recreate ancient times. Visitors can also observe lifelike and powerful dinosaur robots up close
- 行程介绍
福井县立恐龙博物馆位于福井县胜山市。这是一座以恐龙化石为主要收藏品的地质和古生物学博物馆,也是恐龙化石的主要发掘地。博物馆内部位于闪闪发光的银色穹顶内,展览区分为三个部分:“恐龙世界”、“地球科学”和“生命史”。在占地 4,500 平方米的宽敞展厅中,游客可以探索 50 多个恐龙骨骼、数百个标本、大型重建场景和多媒体展示。博物馆旨在为儿童和成人提供愉快的学习体验,通过展品支持学术活动,满足教育和研究需求。
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图