[长野] 1-Day Tour from Matsumoto: Walk the Nakasendo Trail
4.7 ( 10条评价 )

32,000 JPY

  • Prepare to experience Old Japan on foot with this exciting hike through traditional post towns, ancient forests, and dramatic mountain passes. Starting in Tsumago-juku post town, your guide will explain a bit about what kinds of people traveled the roads in Old Japan, where they were going, and how they lived. You will get a chance to enter some buildings including an old Inn and a horse-stable that perfectly illustrate what your guide has mentioned.
  • Leaving Tsumago-juku post town, you will start out on an 8km trek to the next post town, passing by roaring waterfalls and quiet hamlets along the way. Keep an eye open for wildlife and wildflowers while you are led by your guide along what was once one of the main avenues of travel in Japan.
  • Arriving at Magome-juku post town, you will be treated to far off views of fields and mountains as you descend to the bottom of this very vertical village. After having a little time for shopping, you will board the tour vehicle and head back.





  • 西瓜卡(Welcome Suica)& JR线路一日通票

    1,500 JPY

  • JR东京广域周游券 (3日)

    18,485 JPY

  • JR Pass 东日本长野&新潟地区铁路周游券(5日)

    27,000 JPY

  • JR北陆拱形铁路周游券(7日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
