- 活动概要
- Have a knowledgeable local host take you on a four-hour journey through Yokohama
- Explore the futuristic Minato Mirai CBD, and see the city from the giant Cosmo Clock 21 Ferris wheel
- See the 100-year-old Western mansions of Yamate, or walk through the busy alleys of Japan’s biggest Chinatown (or both!)
- Eat some of the city’s best food in Noge, an old-town district with a magical, lantern-lit food alley
- Let your local host give you tips and recommendations for the rest of your trip over a drink at an intimate izakaya
- 行程介绍
横滨的国际化历史赋予了这座城市许多截然不同的一面——从未来主义的海湾到历史悠久的关内“旧城区”,再到保存完好的三溪园神社和寺庙。只需四个小时,在当地的业内人士的帮助下,您就会体验到比您想像的更多的体验。 无论您沿着灯笼照亮的野毛狭窄的小巷走到舒适的居酒屋,那里供应横滨著名的麒麟啤酒和面包屑鲭鱼,也可以在横滨能剧场停下来欣赏令人印象深刻的日本传统表演艺术,或只是呆呆地看快节奏的市中心地区有巨大的购物中心,您很快就会明白为什么必须亲自体验才能了解这座城市。
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图