[神奈川] Kamakura & Enoshima tour accompanied by an interpreter guide, Tokyo/Yokohama to Tokyo, 9 hours, up to 18 people + 箱根周游券(2/ 3日) 套票


箱根周游券(2/ 3日)

千石谷 / 小田原 / 强罗 / 新宿 / 早云山 / 桃源台港 / 箱根汤本 / 箱根町 / 芦之湖

5,700~6,100 JPY

[神奈川] Kamakura & Enoshima tour accompanied by an interpreter guide, Tokyo/Yokohama to Tokyo, 9 hours, up to 18 people

128,000 JPY

  • The tours we offer are 100% customizable, private tours specialized for small groups.
  • If you let us know in advance which tourist attractions you would like to visit, we will plan according to your wishes. Transportation will be provided by fully chartered vehicles and professional guides.
  • For example, if there are tourist attractions that require advance reservations, please make your own reservations first. Then, please let us know the reservation time. We will guide you to a course that is efficient.
  • We also consider making it easy for senior customers and customers with children to participate.
  • We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and look forward to your reservation.
  • The type of chartered vehicle depends on the number of people in your group. 1-4 people: small shuttle van, 4-12 people: large shuttle van, 13-18 people: small bus. (However, if luggage needs to be transported, we will use a small shuttle van for 1-3 people + 5 suitcases, a large shuttle van for 4-8 people + up to 10 suitcases





  • Shonan Monorail Ticket ( 1 Day )

  • 伊豆箱根线铁道 & 巴士1日/2日乘车券

    1,200~1,700 JPY

  • 西瓜卡(Welcome Suica)& JR线路一日通票

    1,500 JPY

  • 箱根镰仓周游券(3日)

    7,520 JPY

  • 日本东京交通票券|箱根鎌仓周游三日券

    7,520 JPY

  • 富士箱根周游券

    9,340 JPY

  • JR东京广域周游券 (3日)

    18,485 JPY

  • JR Pass 东日本长野&新潟地区铁路周游券(5日)

    27,000 JPY

  • JR Pass 东日本东北地区铁路周游券(5日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR东日本・南北海道铁路周游券(6日)

    35,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
