- 活动概要
- * Gay Osaka Tour: Celebrate the LGBTQ+ community today and explore historical spots where it once thrived
- * Two Neighborhoods: Discover both modern and old LGBTQ+ hubs in Osaka
- * Light Meal & Drinks: Includes a light meal and two drinks, no surprise charges
- * Historical Context: Learn about the past when revealing your true identity was still a burden
- * Shin-sekai Scene: Explore hidden gay bars, saunas, and retro theaters still active in Shin-sekai, a timewarp of the LGBTQ+ community
- 行程介绍
加入我们的大阪同志之旅,探索当今充满活力的 LGBTQ+ 社群及其历史根源。首先参观著名的堂山区,这是大阪最大的同性恋区,您可以在这里享用两杯饮料和一顿便餐。这次旅行也深入探讨了大阪隐藏的 LGBTQ+ 历史,特别是在新世界,那里的秘密酒吧、老式桑拿和复古电影院仍然蓬勃发展。这里曾是迫于社会压力而过着隐密生活的男士们的避风港,如今却独自闪耀 这趟旅程将现代与怀旧的 LGBTQ+ 文化融合在一起,让您一窥过去的迷人风采,凸显现在与过去的对比
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图