[京都] Free Choice of Itineraries Kyoto Private Tour + 睿山电车一日乘车票 套票


比睿山 / 鞍马
比睿山 延历寺 贵船 贵船神社 鞍马寺

1,200 JPY

[京都] Free Choice of Itineraries Kyoto Private Tour
1.0 ( 1条评价 )

26,000 JPY

  • This is a guided private custom Kyoto tour using by chartered taxi. Pick up at a hotel in Kyoto city.
  • For the tour destination, choose four places where you are interested in Kyoto from the list below for your tour!
  • Karesansui Rock Garden, Arashiyama Bamboo Groves, Togetsu Bridge, Kinkakuji Temple,Tenryuji Temple, Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Kiyomizu Temple, Nijo Castle, Kyoto Imperial Palace, Sanjusangendo.
  • Enjoy the ancient temples , shrines and wonderful bamboo groves with historical explanations by professional guides.
  • You will receive an email after booking your tour from this web page. Please reply to the email with the 4 tourist sites you want to visit.
  • The price for the displayed tour does not include the charter car fares.
  • The fares is 55000 yen on average. However, it changes with the parking lot and toll road to use on the day. Charter fares will be charged on the day of the tour.
  • For details of the tour, you can look at inclusions excursions section of this web page.





  • 京都 - 大阪观光一日券 / 二日券(京都市区领取)

  • 京阪电车 京都 & 大阪观光一日券 / 二日券(大阪市区领取)

    700~1,700 JPY

  • 京都岚电一日乘车券(大阪领取)

  • 岚山嵯峨野观光火车票(京都车站领取)

  • 【大阪 京都 奈良】关西近铁电车周游券(1/ 2 /5 /5日PLUS)

    1,800~5,700 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西地区铁路周游券(1 /2 /3 /4日)

    2,800~7,000 JPY

  • Arima Onsen Taikou-no-yu Package Ticket

    3,000 JPY

  • 关西迷你铁路周游券 JR Kansai Mini PASS(3日)

    3,000 JPY

  • 关西铁路卡

    5,600~7,000 JPY

  • Kansai WIDE Area Excursion Pass

    10,000 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西广域铁路周游券(5日)

    12,000 JPY

  • JR 新干线(东京 - 京都)

    13,320 JPY

  • JR关西&广岛地区铁路周游券(5日)

    17,000 JPY

  • JR关西&北陆地区铁路周游券(7日)

    19,000~19,800 JPY

  • 【飞驒高山】JR高山、北陆地区周游券(5日)

    19,800 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阳&山阴地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阴 & 山阳 & 北九州地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • JR-WEST All Area Pass

    26,000 JPY

  • JR北陆拱形铁路周游券(7日)

    30,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
