[兵库] Guided Tour to Bizen pottery artists (with experience & lunch) + 【关西 广岛】JR山阴 & 山阳 & 北九州地区铁路周游券(7日) 套票


【关西 广岛】JR山阴 & 山阳 & 北九州地区铁路周游券(7日)

下关 / 久留米 / 京都 / 冈山 / 别府 / 博多 / 和歌山 / 大阪 / 奈良 / 山口 / 广岛 / 汤布院 / 神户 / 萩 / 长崎 / 高松 / 鸟取
别府温泉 博多 原子弹爆炸圆顶屋 奈良公园 日本环球影城 汤布院温泉

23,000 JPY

[兵库] Guided Tour to Bizen pottery artists (with experience & lunch)

46,500 JPY

  • In Imbe, the birthplace of Bizen pottery, this pottery is a typical pottery of Japan that has been used and cherished in daily life throughout the town. With a guide who is knowledgeable about Bizen pottery, this special guided tour is designed to convey the wonder of the town and the depth of Bizen pottery, not only by shopping, but also by actually meeting the potters and experiencing local life.
  • This is a unique chance to visit the studios of Bizen potters with a tour guide and listen to their stories about the origins of Bizen pottery, how it is made, the differences among ceramics in Japan and other countries, trivia about the past, and other topics.
  • After hearing directly from a Bizen potter about the culture and roots of Bizen pottery and the process of making it, the artist will give a demonstration on making plates, teacups, and other items. This is a unique chance to learn about the artist's techniques and the atmosphere in their studio.





  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西地区铁路周游券(1 /2 /3 /4日)

    2,800~7,000 JPY

  • Arima Onsen Taikou-no-yu Package Ticket

    3,000 JPY

  • 关西迷你铁路周游券 JR Kansai Mini PASS(3日)

    3,000 JPY

  • 关西铁路卡

    5,600~7,000 JPY

  • Kansai WIDE Area Excursion Pass

    10,000 JPY

  • 【大阪 京都】JR关西广域铁路周游券(5日)

    12,000 JPY

  • JR关西&广岛地区铁路周游券(5日)

    17,000 JPY

  • JR关西&北陆地区铁路周游券(7日)

    19,000~19,800 JPY

  • 【关西 广岛】JR山阳&山阴地区铁路周游券(7日)

    23,000 JPY

  • JR-WEST All Area Pass

    26,000 JPY

  • JR PASS 全日本铁路通票(连续7/ 14/ 21日)

    50,000~100,000 JPY
