- 活动概要
- Experience the charm of the Showa era, a time of hope and dynamism, by interacting with its iconic creations and passing their legacy to future generations.
- Enjoy tea time with a unique collection of books and materials, savor freshly roasted coffee, and listen to music from a 130-year-old desk music box and gramophone
- For car enthusiasts, start the engines of the classic Honda S800 and CBX400, sit in the driver's seat, and capture the moment!
- Plus, explore Tsubamesanjo's attractions, including Teradomari, Yahiko Onsen, fresh seafood like crab, and local specialties such as Backfat Ramen and Curry Ramen
- 行程介绍
亲手触摸、使用、感受昭和时代所创造的充满希望、光明和活力的“爱物”,这些物品为明治维新后的日本高速增长时期增添了色彩,并传给下一代,在享受乐趣的同时学习 您可以在下午茶时间一边欣赏我们收藏的书籍和资料一边聊天。您还可以一边聆听130年前制造的桌上音乐盒和留声机播放的音乐,品尝特别的烘焙咖啡 如果您愿意,您可以体验启动昔日著名的S800(本田)和至今仍非常受欢迎的CBX400(本田)的引擎。您可以实际坐在车座上,握住方向盘,拍照留念!尽情吹吧,将其铭刻在您的五感中 燕三条有很多值得一看的地方!您还可以品尝寺泊、弥彦温泉、新鲜螃蟹等海鲜以及背膘粗面中华面条和咖喱拉面等当地拉面
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图