- 活动概要
- * Electronic advance bathing ticket for "Tokachidake Onsen Yumoto Ryounkaku", an inn nestled in the spectacular scenery of Hokkaido.
- * A hot spring inn where you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons.
- * A famous hot spring that has been featured in various media such as magazines and television!
- * We offer two indoor baths, an open-air bath, and acidic baths, with large and small rocks.
- * All of the hot springs are sulfate hot springs, which are said to be effective for the skin, such as dry skin and cuts.
- * Recommended for those who want to achieve firm and elastic skin!
- 行程介绍
您可以在旅馆里一边享受季节的变换,一边享受悠闲的时光。 客栈四面环山,景色随季节变换美丽。在春季和夏季,您可以享受被郁郁葱葱的绿色植物包围的大自然。秋天,火红的秋叶装饰着这个地区。而到了冬天,景色就完全变了。十胜山的山峰被洁白的雪覆盖着,露天浴池变成了仿佛被雪埋着的风景。 此外,凌云阁周围全年都会举办各种户外活动和活动。所有这些都可以在享受只有在大自然中才能找到的令人振奋的感觉的同时享受。 享受完大自然之后,一定要在旅馆内的餐厅享用午餐。也提供使用上富浦当地猪肉的各种菜肴。
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图