- 活动概要
- Have a knowledgeable local host take you on an exciting eight-hour journey through Yokohama
- Explore the futuristic Minato Mirai CBD, or head further out to tranquil nature in ancient Kamakura
- See the 100-year-old Western mansions of Yamate, or walk through the busy alleys of Japan’s biggest Chinatown (or both!)
- Eat some of the city’s best food in Noge, an old-town district with a magical, lantern-lit food alley and low-key jazz clubs
- Let your local host give you tips and recommendations for the rest of your trip over a drink at an intimate izakaya
- 行程介绍
东京霓虹闪烁的摩天大楼、大阪悠闲的氛围以及京都新旧日本的结合,然后将它们与清新的海风融为一体:这就是横滨。从历史悠久的港口到色彩缤纷的 Unko(呃,粪便)博物馆,横滨充满了各种各样的景点,这些景点使这座城市闻名于世(甚至在地图上找不到)。 但幸运的是,您的主人知道在哪里可以找到两者!从大型购物中心和宇宙世界游乐园到横滨地标塔底层的秘密小巷,中心枢纽令人眼花撩乱。当您厌倦了超现代的古代日本时,只需乘坐火车即可到达海边的镰仓,这里是宁静的高德院和标志性大佛的所在地。
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图