- 活动概要
- Eat your way through an especially food-obsessed area of Yokohama with a local host who’ll suggest delicious dishes according to your taste
- Try several of Yokohama’s most popular dishes at the spots locals love
- Explore the Noge area, and Yokohama’s Chinatown
- Learn about the history of Yokohama through food – from 160-year-old Chinatown to gyunabe restaurants that opened in the 1800s
- Have your helpful host on hand to translate, order, explain and recommend any dish
- 行程介绍
您将探索这座城市令人垂涎欲滴的当地美食,品尝从横滨丰盛的牛肉火锅牛锅到芬芳的樱花味冰淇淋等各种美食。最受欢迎的生鱼片 Moriawase(精选生鱼)是必尝之选,还有它不太常见的表亲 Shime Saba(一种用海盐和醋腌制的淡鲭鱼片)。 但如果您不喜欢生的鲭鱼,您也可以将其作为脆脆的面包屑油炸味鲭鱼搭配冰镇啤酒来享用。在日本最大的唐人街,您可以享用肉满(猪肉或牛肉馅的包子)和一碗滑溜溜的汤面,或者在野毛狭窄街道两旁的众多荞麦面或拉面餐馆之一尝试不同种类的面条。
- 目的地或出发地周边地区的地图