【간사이 히로시마】JR 산요-산인-북큐슈 패스 (7일권) 로 가는 [히로시마] Hiroshima and Miyajima A Walk Through of History and Peace


【간사이 히로시마】JR 산요-산인-북큐슈 패스 (7일권)

고베 / 교토 / 구루메 / 나가사키 / 나라 / 다카마쓰 / 돗토리 / 벳푸 / 시모노세키 / 야마구치 / 오사카 / 오카야마 / 와카야마 / 유후인 / 하기 / 하카타 / 히로시마
인기 관광지・이벤트
나라공원 벳푸온천 원폭돔 유니버셜스튜디오재팬 유후인 온천 하카타
[히로시마] Hiroshima and Miyajima A Walk Through of History and Peace
오늘부터 이용 가능
24시간 전 취소 가능
액티비티 개요
  • Explore Hiroshima & Miyajima: Your Perfect Day (8hrs)
  • Crafted for YOU! This tour offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Explore Miyajima's Itsukushima Shrine, a UNESCO wonder, and meet the friendly deer! Savor local momiji manjyu and fresh seafood. In Hiroshima, delve into the city's past at the Peace Memorial Park, honoring victims and promoting peace.
  • Ideal for:
  • Calling all history buffs, adventure seekers, families, and foodies: Craft your dream itinerary, savor local flavors, and conquer epic adventures – all in a time-friendly package!
  • This tour is a journey of contrasts - the serenity of Miyajima and the resilience of Hiroshima. Leave with a lasting impression and a deeper appreciation for peace and beauty.

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