- 액티비티 개요
- I have a rich overseas experience, and am so friendly that it can be mistaken for locals in any country I visit. Why don't you come and spend some fun time with me, a local?
- I have had the opportunity to travel to 60 countries and have lived in England, Mexico and Italy. However, I believe that the Miura Peninsula, where I was born and raised, is the most attractive place in the world, surrounded by the sea, rich in nature, with the Miura Alps in the middle, scenic and warm, with both sea and mountain food to be enjoyed. In particular, Yokosuka was visited by many foreigners, who brought with them various cultures and technologies such as iron and steel making and shipbuilding, and marked the start of a new era in Japan. Please feel with all your senses how various foreign cultures and histories have had a great influence on Japan and how Japan has developed. Please fully enjoy the charms of Miura Peninsula, which can be visited in just over an hour from Tokyo, walking with me.
- 여행스토리
Visit Hashirimizu Shrine to worship the spirit of the Japanese warrior,Yamato Takerunomikoto and his wife Ototachibana hime written in Nihon shoki and Kojiki in 8 century. The myths passed down in Hashimizu are cherished not only by this region of Hashimizu, but also by many people throughout Japan, and have cultivated the moral values of the Japanese people. They took a boat to Kazusa-no-kuni (southern part of Chiba Prefecture), when they reached the middle of the sea, they suddenly encountered a storm and were at a loss, when his wife, Ototachibana hime said: 'This must be the work of the sea god. As soon as she said, "Let me enter the sea in your place," she threw herself into the sea. The storm was quickly calmed down and Takerunomikoto and his party were able to cross safely to Kazusa.
- 목적지 또는 출발지 주변 지도