JR 규슈 후쿠오카 와이드 모바일 패스 로 가는 [후쿠오카] *Stay at Beppu, 2-Day Charter Bus Tour to Takachiho from Fukuoka

JR 규슈 후쿠오카 와이드 모바일 패스

나가사키 / 사가 / 후쿠오카
인기 관광지・이벤트
다자이후텐만구 다케오 온천 하우스텐보스 후쿠오카공항

3,000~7,000 JPY

[후쿠오카] *Stay at Beppu, 2-Day Charter Bus Tour to Takachiho from Fukuoka
오늘부터 이용 가능
취소 규정

228,000 JPY

액티비티 개요
  • *You will be staying in BEPPU by yourself in this package.
  • - "The Roots of Japan, Takachiho"
  • In Takachiho, there are many shrines that enshrined gods related to Japanese Mythology.
  • - [ Hells of Beppu :別府地獄めぐり ]
  • Beppu Onsen on Oita's east coast, is one of the most famous hot spring towns in Japan. It produces more hot spring water than any other place in the country, and the view of the townscape with plumes of rising steam is striking. Beppu is especially famous for its “hells,” (jigoku), hot springs that reach over 100 degrees Celsius. Although they are too hot to soak in, each has a different character.
  • - [ Yunotsubo Kaido 湯の坪街道 ] at YUFUIN
  • Yunotsubo Kaido Street runs through the center of the popular hot spring town of Yufuin, leading from Yufuin Station to Lake Kinrinko.
  • is opened in October 30th, 2006. It is 390 meters long, 173 meters high, 1.5 meters broad and it is the highest suspension bridge which is only for walkway in Japan.

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